Now Shopping: Orthodox Icon
Saint St Paraskevi Icon | Greek Russian Orthodox Byzantine Icons Antique Style
The Life of Jesus Christ Icon- Greek Handmade Orthodox Holy Icons
Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ AXION ESTI Icon- Greek Orthodox Russian Icons
Jesus Christ Prayer in Gethsemane Icon -Greek Handmade Icons by Artists in Vanascollection
Jesus Christ Prayer in Gethsemane-Greek Christian Orthodox Catholic Handmade Icons
Saint Miltiades Miltiadis Icon- Greek Orthodox Byzantine Religious Gift Icon
Orthodox Icon St. Dionysius of Zakynthos Icon, Greek Byzantine Christian Icons
The Last Supper Icon, Jesus Christ icon- Greek Byzantine Antique Style Icons
Saint St. Anna with Virgin Mary-Handmade Greek Orthodox Byzantine Icon - Antique Style Icons
Virgin Mary the Queen of All with Jesus Christ Icon-Orthodox Greek Handmade Icons
Virgin Mary Rodon Amaranton- Greek Orthodox Byzantine Antique Style Icons
Panagia Virgin Mary of Soumela Greek Handmade Orthodox Byzantine Handmade Icons
Saint Moses the Ethiopian Icon Greek Byzantine Orthodox Christian Handmade Icons
Saint St. Elias, Ilias-The Prophet ILIYA- Christian Greek Byzantine Antique Style Icons
Saint St. Athanasious Athanasios Icon, Greek Byzantine Christian Icons on Wood
St. Dionysius Dionysios of Zakynthos Icon-Greek Orthodox Russian Byzantine Icons
Prophets Elias-Thesvitis Icon- Christian Greek Byzantine Icons
Saint St Joseph Iosif Icon-Greek Russian Byzantine Orthodox Icons
Saint Athena Martyr Icon-Rare Byzantine Greek Orthodox Antique Style Icons
Icon of Saint Anthony Antonios Antony the Great Rare Christianity Greek Orthodox Icons